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Link Finder

A field type that allows a user to begin typing and find links to existing pages and files on the site through a search interface.

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Coordinates Field Type

Draws a Google Map that lets you drop a marker to choose a latitude and longitude. The result is stored in a JSON array. This field type also implements a text box for searching via address and returning a marker.

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A very fast (performance wise) events system that supports recurring events and a powerful class for pulling events into the front end of your site.

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Image Map Point

Implements a field type that allows you to specify an image over which you can drag and drop a marker. The field type will store a % value of where the user dropped the point from the top and left of the image.

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Raw Text Field Types

Includes two field types: "Raw Text" and "Raw Text Area". These behave almost exactly the same as the regular Text and Text Area fields with the exception that they do not escape HTML characters (so you can place HTML into them).

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