Searchable is the normal go-to view for most use cases. It's a standard table view with multiple columns with your actions on the right. Its distinctive feature is the ability to click on the column titles to sort by that column (similar to a spreadsheet).


To edit the view's options, click the icon next to the view type chooser. For Searchable List you are presented with the following options:

Filter Function

Filters allow you to choose what a user sees in a view instead of displaying every row of a given table. 
Learn More About View Filters

Sort By

Choose the column and direction to sort by. This is the default sort state when a user hits the view. If you use a column that isn't in the view to sort by and the user sorts by clicking column titles they will not be able to get back to this sort state until refreshing.

Items Per Page

Designates the number of table rows to display on each page.