Text Field Options

Enforces format validation on the entered content. You can enforce URL, email, and numeric validation and set a field to be required.

Different subtypes affect how the text field is drawn:

  • Name — Separates first name / last name text entries. Stored as JSON as first_name and last_name keys.
  • Address — Separates out address fields. Stored as JSON with the following keys: street, city, state, zip, country
  • Email — Sets the input's type attribute to "email"
  • Website — Sets the input's type attribute to "url"
  • Phone — Separates out phone number fields into 3 separate fields. Stores as XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Text Area Options

Force the user to enter content.

HTML Area Options

Force the user to enter content.

Simple Mode
Removes many buttons from the WYISWYG editor. These options can be set by overriding /core/admin/layouts/_html-field-loader.php.

Simple Mode Via Permissions
Identical to Simple Mode but only degrades to Simple Mode when a user doesn't meet the required user level set.

Upload Options

Force the user to upload a file (or keep a previously uploaded file).

Upload Directory
The directory to store the file in. This directory is a path relative to the /site/ folder (i.e. if you enter "files/test/" it will store the file in /site/files/test/). For Templates, the upload directory is always "files/pages/".

Image Uploader Enabled
Enables image processing for the upload field. Checking this box will enable Image Options which are listed under the Photo Gallery Options section.

List Options

Force the user to choose an option from the list.

List Type
Determine how list dropdowns are populated by choosing one of these list types:

  • Static — Enter your own key/value pairs for each option in the list
  • Database Populated — Use a MySQL table to pull a list of options.
  • State List — Populate the list with most US States/teritories.
  • Country List — Populate the list with most countries.

Allow Empty
If this option is set to Yes, there will be an empty option at the top of the list.

Static List Options

If your List Type is static you should enter a value and description for each option in the list. The value is what will be stored in the database on submit. The description is how the option should be presented to the user.

Database Populated List Options

If your List Type is set to Database Populated you will be presented with the following options:

  • Table — The MySQL table from which to pull options
  • Description Field — The column of the table to use as the description of each option presented to the user.
  • Sort By — The field in the table to sort the options by and whether to sort ascending or descending.

Checkbox Options

By default, a checkbox will either yield a "" or "on" value depending on whether it is checked or not. If the Value option is filled out, "on" will be replaced with whatever is entered.

Date Picker Options

Force the user to enter a date.

Default To Today's Date
If set to Yes, today's date will be entered by default for new form entries.

Time Picker Options

Force the user to enter a time.

Date & Time Picker Options

Force the user to enter a date and time.

Default To Today's Date & Time
If set to Yes, today's date and time will be entered by default for new form entries.

Photo Gallery Options

Upload Directory
The directory to store the file in. This directory is a path relative to the /site/ folder (i.e. if you enter "files/test/" it will store the file in /site/files/test/). For Templates, the upload directory is always "files/pages/".

Disable Captions
By default, Photo Galleries ask for a caption after uploading an image. If this is checked, captions will not be used.

Read About Image Options

Array of Items Options

You must enter at least on Field in the Array of Items Fields option. Each field requires a key and title. The key is the array/object key that the data is stored in. The title is the label that is shown to the user when they are entering content. Each field can also have one of 6 field types that are similar to the standard field types but may be slightly simpler.

Callouts Options

If a group is selected, only callouts within a given group will be allowed for the user in this field.

By default the Callouts field type will say "Add Callout", "Edit Callout", etc. If a Noun is entered, it will replace the word Callout (i.e. entering "Block" as the Noun will make it say "Add Block" and "Edit Block").

Generated Route Options

Source Field
Generated routes require a source field in the table. The source field must be a field that also exists in the form and must be a text-based field. Raw POST data is used for route generation, not field type processed data.

Disregard Uniqueness
If this option is selected, routes will not be required to be unique. If it is not selected and two entries have a source field that generates "test" as the route, the second entry will receive "test-2".

Keep Original Route
If this option is selected, the first route created will be stored and never changed. If this option is not selected and the Source Field's data changes a new route will be generated.

Geocoding Options

Fields To Pull Address From
This should be a comma separated list of the columns in the table that should be used to generate the address. For instance, if you have separate address columns you may want to enter "street,city,state,zip,country".

Many to Many Options

Connecting Table
This is the table that is going to store the many to many relationship. It should contain at least two columns - one that references the id of the form's table and one that references the id of the related table.

This is the column in the Connecting Table that references the id column of the form's table.

Other ID
This is the column in the Connecting Table that references the id column of the related table.

Other Table
This is the related table we're going to associate entries in this form to.

Other Descriptor
This is the column in the related table that will be used as the name/title of the associated entries.

Sort By
The sort column and direction for the list of available entries in the related table.

List Parser Function
This is the name of a function (or class method) that can be used for parsing the names of the related table's entries. If a class method is used, it must be static (i.e. "myFunction" or "MyClass::myFunction" are acceptable). The list parser can be used for either filtering out unwanted options or for changing the display name of the options.

The first parameter passed in is an array of data with keys being the id from the related table and the values being the name/title from the related table. The second parameter is a boolean of whether you're receiving already related entries (false) or the list of available entries that aren't currently related (true).

Image Options

Minimum Width
If you want to reject image uploads that don't meet a minimum number of pixels wide, enter that number here (without "px", just a numeric value). This is ideal for images that have crops and should be at least as wide as the widest crop.

Minimum Height
If you want to reject image uploads that don't meet a minimum number of pixels tall, enter that number here (without "px", just a numeric value). This is ideal for images that have crops and should be at least as tall as the tallest crop.

Preview Prefix
If you're making crops or thumbnails it is recommended that you enter the prefix of the smallest crop or thumbnail in this option. This allows your form to show a smaller version of the image rather than downloading the full size image.

Create High Resolution Retina Images
If the image / crop area / thumbnail is large enough, create a 2x size version at lower compression quality.
Read More About Retina Images

Crops / Thumbnails
Each image can have multiple crops and thumbnails each with a prefix, width, and height. The prefix is a prepended to the name of the file. For instance, if your prefix is "small_" and your filename is "cat.jpg" your crop would be stored as "small_cat.jpg". Because BigTree stores full file paths in the database you will want to use BigTree::prefixFile method to get your crops and thumbnails in the front end of your site.

Each crop can also have a thumbnail. When the small picture icon is clicked on a crop row another row will appear below it — this is a thumbnail of the above crop.

Crops and thumbnails can also be set to be grayscale instead of color. Click the colorwheel icon to switch between grayscale and color.

Thumbnails only require a height OR width to be entered. You may enter both but they are not both required. Crops require both a height and width to function properly.