
Function Description
addCategory Adds a category to this forum.
addModerator Adds a moderator to this forum.
addToBlacklist Adds an entry to this forum's blacklist
addToWhitelist Adds an entry to this forum's whitelist
getBlacklist Returns a result set of blacklist entries for this forum.
getCategories Returns categories for this forum.
getFounder Returns information about this forum's founder.
getModerators Returns an array of moderators for this forum.
getMostActiveUsers Returns a result set of most active users on this forum.
getMostLikedUsers Returns a result set of the most liked users on this forum.
getPosts Returns a result set of posts to this forum.
getThreads Returns a result set of threads in this forum.
getTrendingThreads Returns an array of trending threads in this forum.
getUsers Returns a result set of users of this forum.
getWhitelist Returns a result set of whitelist entries for this forum.
removeModerator Removes a moderator to this forum.


Adds a category to this forum.
Authenticated user must be a moderator of this forum.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusCategory object.

Parameter Description
$title The title of this category.


Adds a moderator to this forum.
Authenticated user must be a moderator of this forum.

Parameter Description
$user The ID of the user or the person's username


Adds an entry to this forum's blacklist

addToBlacklist($type, $value, $retroactive = false, $notes = "")
Parameter Description
$type Type of entry (word, ip, user, email)
$value Value to block
$retroactive Whether to make this block affect old posts (defaults to false)
$notes Notes (optional)


Adds an entry to this forum's whitelist

addToWhitelist($type, $value, $notes = "")
Parameter Description
$type Type of entry (email,user_id,username)
$value Value to whitelist
$notes Notes (optional)


Returns a result set of blacklist entries for this forum.
Authenticated user must be a moderator of this forum.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusResultSet of BigTreeDisqusBlacklistEntry objects

getBlacklist($limit, $order, $params)
Parameter Description
$limit Number of entries per page (defaults to 25, max 100)
$order Sort order (asc or desc, defaults to asc)
$params Additional parameters to send to blacklists/list API call.


Returns categories for this forum.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusResultSet of BigTreeDisqusCategory objects.

getCategories($limit, $order, $params)
Parameter Description
$limit Number of categories to return per page (defaults to 25, max 100)
$order Sort order (asc or desc, default asc)
$params Additional parameters to send to forums/listCategories API call


Returns information about this forum's founder.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusUser object.



Returns an array of moderators for this forum.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeDisqusUser objects.



Returns a result set of most active users on this forum.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusResultSet of BigTreeDisqusUser objects.

getMostActiveUsers($limit, $params)
Parameter Description
$limit Number of users to return per page (defaults to 25, max 100)
$params Additional parameters to send to forums/listMostActiveUsers API call


Returns a result set of the most liked users on this forum.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusResultSet of BigTreeDisqusUser objects.

getMostLikedUsers($limit, $params)
Parameter Description
$limit Number of users to return per page (defaults to 25, max 100)
$params Additional parameters to send to forums/listMostActiveUsers API call


Returns a result set of posts to this forum.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusResultSet of BigTreeDisqusPost objects.

getPosts($limit, $order, $include, $since, $params)
Parameter Description
$limit Number of posts to return (max 100, default 25)
$order Sort order (asc or desc, defaults to desc)
$include Array of post types to include (options are unapproved,approved,spam,deleted,flagged — defaults to approved)
$since Unix timestamp that indicates to return only posts occurring after this timestamp.
$params Additional parameters to send to the forums/listPosts API call


Returns a result set of threads in this forum.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusResultSet of BigTreeDisqusThread objects.

getThreads($limit, $order, $since, $params)
Parameter Description
$limit Number of threads to return (max 100, default 25)
$order Sort order (asc or desc, defaults to desc)
$since Unix timestamp that indicates to return only threads occurring after this timestamp.
$params Additional parameters to send to the forums/listThreads API call


Returns an array of trending threads in this forum.

Return Value: An array of BigTreeDisqusPost objects.

getTrendingThreads($limit = 10)
Parameter Description
$limit Number of threads to return (max 10, default 10)


Returns a result set of users of this forum.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusResultSet of BigTreeDisqusUser objects.

getUsers($limit, $params)
Parameter Description
$limit Number of users to return (max 100, default 25)
$params Additional parameters to send to the forums/listUsers API call


Returns a result set of whitelist entries for this forum.
Authenticated user must be a moderator of this forum.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusResultSet of BigTreeDisqusWhitelistEntry objects

getWhitelist($limit, $order, $params)
Parameter Description
$limit Number of entries per page (defaults to 25, max 100)
$order Sort order (asc or desc, defaults to asc)
$params Additional parameters to send to blacklists/list API call.


Removes a moderator to this forum.
Authenticated user must be a moderator of this forum.

Parameter Description
$user The ID of the user or the person's username