
Function Description
callUncached Wrapper for better Disqus error handling.
changeUsername Changes the username of the authenticated user.
createForum Creates a new forum.
getCategory Returns a BigTreeDisqusCategory object for the given category id.
getForum Returns a BigTreeDisqusForum object for the given forum shortname.
getPost Returns a BigTreeDisqusPost object for the given post ID.
getThread Returns a BigTreeDisqusThread object for the given thread ID.
getUser Returns a BigTreeDisqusUser object for the given user.


Wrapper for better Disqus error handling.



Changes the username of the authenticated user.

Return Value: true if successful

Parameter Description
$username The desired new username.


Creates a new forum.

Return Value: Returns false if the shortname is already taken.

createForum($shortname, $name, $url)
Parameter Description
$shortname The shortname (unique) for the forum
$name A name for the forum
$url The URL the forum will be located at


Returns a BigTreeDisqusCategory object for the given category id.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusCategory object if successful.

Parameter Description
$id The category id


Returns a BigTreeDisqusForum object for the given forum shortname.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusForum object if successful.

Parameter Description
$shortname The forum shortname


Returns a BigTreeDisqusPost object for the given post ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusPost object if successful.

Parameter Description
$post The post ID


Returns a BigTreeDisqusThread object for the given thread ID.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusThread object if successful.

getThread($thread, $forum = false)
Parameter Description
$thread The thread ID, identifier, or link
$forum If looking up by link, the shortname for the forum is required.


Returns a BigTreeDisqusUser object for the given user.
If no user is passed in, the authenticated user's information is returned.

Return Value: A BigTreeDisqusUser object if successful.

getUser($user = false)
Parameter Description
$user The ID of the user or the person's username (leave blank to use the authenticated user)