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I am trying to get my cron.php to run, for a while PHP would only read the contents of the file back to me. I modified the cron.php to have it start with "<?php" instead of the short tag "<?" and that finally got it to run the script. Now I get a "fatal error: Class "BigTreeAdmin" not found on line 7" error.
PHP is 5.5.9-ubuntu4.14 (cli) and in my php.ini "short_tag_open = on" is in my settings so I don't know why the short tag was the initial problem. I also chmod the cron.php to 755 so it has execute permissions. Could this be file permissions problem with the included file that has the class BigTreeAdmin?
Sometimes the command line PHP and your Apache's PHP are actually different versions (or read from different php.ini files).
The fatal error that BigTreeAdmin couldn't be loaded sounds like it failed to include the core/bootstrap.php file. Try echoing the $server_root prior the the BigTreeAdmin line and see if it's properly registering the BigTree install path.
YES! That was it, the PHP CLI was pointing to its own php.ini file, once I adjusted that to have short_tag_open = on there were no more errors.