#1 January 5, 2023 4:44pm

Registered: May 6, 2015
Posts: 144

Events 1.2 with BigTree 4.5

In the BigTree 4.5 release blog, it is mentioned we should upgrade Events 2 extension before upgrading BigTree. We have have Events 1.2 installed, will it work with BigTree 4.5?
If you recommend us to install Events 2, what is the best way to do that as it seems it uses the same database tables as 1.2 and overwrites. Is there a good way to move over the data from 1.2 to 2?




#2 January 5, 2023 4:55pm

From: Baltimore, MD
Registered: April 2, 2012
Posts: 978

Re: Events 1.2 with BigTree 4.5

Events 1.2 will work fine with BigTree 4.5 but will have warnings / errors (possibly) in PHP 8. It could be manually updated to work with PHP 8, you'll just have to track down the errors and resolve them (they're usually just issues with skipping checks on non-existent arrays).

Events v2 has a fairly similar database structure as Events v1 with the exception of recurring events being handled very differently (through recurrence rules) so any events that are setup to be recurring will not be able to easily be migrated over without losing their recurrence. On the template side the event instances are returned as objects instead of arrays and fields in the database that are not in the default Events v2 schema for btx_events_events will be added to the AdditionalFields property array.


#3 January 5, 2023 4:59pm

Registered: May 6, 2015
Posts: 144

Re: Events 1.2 with BigTree 4.5

Thanks for the quick reply.


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