#1 Re: Developer Help » Migrating from localhost to live environment » December 16, 2014 8:22pm

Thanks a lot. I hosted it on GoDaddy and it worked.

#2 Re: Developer Help » Migrating from localhost to live environment » December 15, 2014 11:26am

Thanks a lot. Also, besides GoDaddy and 1 and 1 hosting, are there any other hosts that you can recommend which will work fine with BigTree?

#3 Developer Help » Migrating from localhost to live environment » December 14, 2014 10:36am

Replies: 5

I've just finished developing a site using BigTree (for the first time) and I would like to know what is the simplest way to migrate it from my localhost to a live host. I'm contemplating between GoDaddy and Fatcow

#4 Developer Help » Tutorials » November 6, 2014 3:27pm

Replies: 2

I've been recently introduced to Bigtree and I've been searching the web for tutorials in order to get a deeper understanding of how it works, but so far, I've had little success. Does anyone have any resources or links they are willing to share?

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