#1 Re: General » How to translate into Russian? » October 21, 2015 11:57am

Tell me how to make url generation from Russian?

example: уборка квартиры - uborka-kvartiry

Need the transliteration


#2 Re: General » How to translate into Russian? » October 21, 2015 11:54am

sad I'm sorry, good, flexible cms language support but not really enough.

#4 General » How to translate into Russian? » October 21, 2015 11:47am

Replies: 5

Good day
Please tell me how to translate admin cms into Russian or Ukrainian language?
Thank you

#5 Re: Developer Help » How to install the downloaded module? » August 8, 2015 5:23am

Good day

1. How to change login login to the admin part with admin on?
2. How to translate the admin part?


#7 Re: Developer Help » How to install the downloaded module? » August 7, 2015 4:43am

Tell me this is a problem on the hosting or cms? I asked the host and checked the file processing .htaccess works fine.

#8 Re: Developer Help » How to install the downloaded module? » August 6, 2015 3:39am

Good day
Please tell me why can't correctly install the cms mode - Advanced Routing?

Ha hosting mod_rewrite works


#9 Re: Developer Help » How to install the downloaded module? » August 5, 2015 11:58am

how or what can be accomplished translation of cms into Russian?

#10 Re: Developer Help » How to install the downloaded module? » August 5, 2015 11:57am

Please tell me how to display a form on a page?

#11 Re: Developer Help » How to install the downloaded module? » August 5, 2015 11:24am

Is it possible somewhere to buy or download ready-made layouts or modules of this engine?
Would it be possible for You to continue to develop additional modules?

#12 Re: Developer Help » How to install the downloaded module? » August 5, 2015 10:56am

Yes, it works! Thank you very much!

You will tell me how to implement a multilingual website (Russian/English)?
Does cms?
How it is protected from hacking?


#13 Developer Help » How to install the downloaded module? » August 5, 2015 8:52am

Replies: 12

Hello How to install the downloaded module? Thanks

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