
Function Description
authorize Authorizes a credit card and returns the transaction ID for later capture.
capture Captures a previously authorized transaction.
cardType Returns the type of credit card based on the number.
charge Charges a credit card (Authorization & Capture).
createRecurringPayment Creates a recurring payment profile.
formatCurrency Formats a currency amount for the payment gateways (they're picky).
paypalExpressCheckoutDetails Returns checkout details for an Express Checkout transaciton.
paypalExpressCheckoutProcess Processes an Express Checkout transaction.
paypalExpressCheckoutRedirect Sets up a PayPal Express Checkout session and redirects the user to PayPal.
paypalRESTTokenRequest Fetches a new authorization token from PayPal's OAuth servers.
paypalRESTVaultAuthorize Authorizes a payment using a token from the PayPal REST API vault.
paypalRESTVaultCharge Charges a credit card using a token from the PayPal REST API vault.
paypalRESTVaultDelete Deletes a credit card stored in the PayPal REST API vault.
paypalRESTVaultLookup Looks up a credit card stored in the PayPal REST API vault.
paypalRESTVaultStore Stores a credit card in the PayPal REST API vault.
refund Refunds a settled transaction.
saveSettings Saves changed service and settings.
void Voids an authorization.


Authorizes a credit card and returns the transaction ID for later capture.

Return Value: $this->Message will contain an error message if not successful.

authorize($amount, $tax, $card_name, $card_number, $card_expiration, $cvv, $address, $description = "", $email = "", $phone = "", $customer = "")
Parameter Description
$amount The amount to charge (includes the tax).
$tax The amount of tax to charge (for accounting purposes, must also be included in total amount).
$card_name Name as it appears on the credit card.
$card_number Credit card number.
$card_expiration 4 or 6 digit expiration date (MMYYYY or MMYY).
$cvv Credit card security code.
$address An address array with keys "street", "street2", "city", "state", "zip", "country"
$description Description of what is being charged.
$email Email address of the purchaser.
$phone Phone number of the purchaser.
$customer Customer ID of the purchaser.


Captures a previously authorized transaction.

Return Value: $this->Message will contain an error message if not successful.

capture($transaction, $amount)
Parameter Description
$transaction The transaction ID to capture funds for.
$amount The amount to charge (must be equal to or lower than authorization amount).


Returns the type of credit card based on the number.

Return Value: The name of the card issuer.

Parameter Description
$card_number The credit card number.


Charges a credit card (Authorization & Capture).

Return Value: $this->Message will contain an error message if not successful.

charge($amount, $tax, $card_name, $card_number, $card_expiration, $cvv, $address, $description = "", $email = "", $phone = "", $customer = "")
Parameter Description
$amount The amount to charge (includes the tax).
$tax The amount of tax to charge (for accounting purposes, must also be included in total amount).
$card_name Name as it appears on the credit card.
$card_number Credit card number.
$card_expiration 4 or 6 digit expiration date (MMYYYY or MMYY).
$cvv Credit card security code.
$address An address array with keys "street", "street2", "city", "state", "zip", "country"
$description Description of what is being charged.
$email Email address of the purchaser.
$phone Phone number of the purchaser.
$customer Customer ID of the purchaser.


Creates a recurring payment profile.

Return Value: $this->Message will contain an error message if not successful.

createRecurringPayment($description, $amount, $start_date, $period, $frequency, $card_name, $card_number, $card_expiration, $cvv, $address, $email, $trial_amount = false, $trial_period = false, $trial_frequency = false, $trial_length = false)
Parameter Description
$description A description of the subscription.
$amount The amount to charge (includes the tax).
$start_date The date to begin charging the user (YYYY-MM-DD, blank for immediately).
$period The unit of how often to charge the user (options: day, week, month, year)
$frequency The number of units that make up each billing period. (i.e. for bi-weekly the frequency is "2" and period is "week", quarterly would be frequency "3" and period "month")
$card_name Name as it appears on the credit card.
$card_number Credit card number.
$card_expiration 4 or 6 digit expiration date (MMYYYY or MMYY).
$cvv Credit card security code.
$address An address array with keys "street", "street2", "city", "state", "zip", "country"
$email Email address of the purchaser.
$trial_amount The amount to charge during the (optional) trial period.
$trial_period The unit of how often to charge the user during the (optional) trial period (options: day, week, month, year)
$trial_frequency The number of units that make up each billing segment of the (optional) trial period.
$trial_length The number of billing cycles the (optional) trial period should last.


Formats a currency amount for the payment gateways (they're picky).

Return Value: A string

Parameter Description
$amount Currency amount


Returns checkout details for an Express Checkout transaciton.
For: PayPal Payments Pro and Payflow Gateway ONLY.

Return Value: An array of buyer information.

Parameter Description
$token The Express Checkout token returned by PayPal.


Processes an Express Checkout transaction.
For: PayPal REST API, PayPal Payments Pro and Payflow Gateway ONLY.

Return Value: An array of buyer information.

paypalExpressCheckoutProcess($token, $payer_id, $amount = false)
Parameter Description
$token The Express Checkout token returned by PayPal.
$payer_id The Payer ID returned by PayPal.
$amount The amount to charge.


Sets up a PayPal Express Checkout session and redirects the user to PayPal.
For: PayPal REST API, PayPal Payments Pro and Payflow Gateway ONLY.

Return Value: false in the event of a failure, otherwise redirects and dies.

paypalExpressCheckoutRedirect($amount, $success_url, $cancel_rul)
Parameter Description
$amount The amount to charge the user.
$success_url The URL to return to on successful PayPal login.
$cancel_rul The URL to return to if the user cancels payment.


Fetches a new authorization token from PayPal's OAuth servers.



Authorizes a payment using a token from the PayPal REST API vault.
Payment should be captured using standard "capture" method

paypalRESTVaultAuthorize($id, $user_id, $amount, $tax, $description = "", $email = "")
Parameter Description
$id The card ID returned when the card was stored.
$user_id The user ID related to this card (pass in false if no user id was stored with this card).
$amount The amount to charge (includes the tax).
$tax The amount of tax to charge (for accounting purposes, must also be included in total amount).
$description Description of what is being charged.
$email Email address of the purchaser.


Charges a credit card using a token from the PayPal REST API vault.

paypalRESTVaultCharge($id, $user_id, $amount, $tax, $description = "", $email = "", $action = "sale")
Parameter Description
$id The card ID returned when the card was stored.
$user_id The user ID related to this card (pass in false if no user id was stored with this card).
$amount The amount to charge (includes the tax).
$tax The amount of tax to charge (for accounting purposes, must also be included in total amount).
$description Description of what is being charged.
$email Email address of the purchaser.
$action "sale" or "authorize" (defaults to sale)


Deletes a credit card stored in the PayPal REST API vault.

Parameter Description
$id The card ID returned when the card was stored.


Looks up a credit card stored in the PayPal REST API vault.

Return Value: Credit card information (only the last 4 digits of the credit card number are visible)

Parameter Description
$id The card ID returned when the card was stored.


Stores a credit card in the PayPal REST API vault.

Return Value: A card ID to be used for later recall.

paypalRESTVaultStore($name, $number, $expiration_date, $cvv, $address, $user_id)
Parameter Description
$name Name on the credit card
$number Credit card number
$expiration_date Expiration date (MMYY or MMYYYY format)
$cvv Credit card security code.
$address An address array with keys "street", "street2", "city", "state", "zip", "country"
$user_id A unique ID to associate with this storage (for example, the user ID of this person on your site)


Refunds a settled transaction.

Return Value: $this->Message will contain an error message if not successful.

refund($transaction, $card_number = "", $amount)
Parameter Description
$transaction The transaction ID to capture funds for.
$card_number The last four digits of the credit card number used for the transaction (required for some processors).
$amount The amount to refund (required for some processors).


Saves changed service and settings.



Voids an authorization.

Return Value: $this->Message will contain an error message if not successful.

Parameter Description
$authorization The transaction/authorization ID to void.