
Function Description
updateDetails Updates the user object's details with fresh information from the API.
getPicture Returns the URL for the user's photo and updates the class instance with the information.
getAlbums Gets the albums owned by user.


Updates the user object's details with fresh information from the API.
Most useful when a stub of a user is sent (i.e. another user's SignificantOther)

updateDetails($user = false)
Parameter Description
$user A pre-composed data set (optional, defaults to pulling from API)


Returns the URL for the user's photo and updates the class instance with the information.
Facebook returns a photo of the approximate size requested.

Return Value: A URL or false on failure

getPicture($width = 1000, $height = 1000)
Parameter Description
$width The approximate width of the picture to return (defaults to 1000)
$height The approximate height of the picture to return (defaults to 1000)


Gets the albums owned by user.

Return Value: Returns an array of BigTreeFacebookAlbum objects or false on failure.
