#2 Re: Bug Reports » BigTree on MAMP bugs » July 1, 2012 11:20pm

follow up 2.

It does upload images I found out, it only then subsequently requests a non-existing cropped version or thumbnail. (I'm using the wonders example site) Perhaps cropping depends on an external script that is not accessed when I'm not online?

continuing explorations..

#3 Bug Reports » BigTree on MAMP bugs » June 30, 2012 1:53pm

Replies: 3

Excited about the BigTree release! I installed in on a MAMP PRO server on my mac (unfortunately I have limited access to the internet at the moment). There seem to be some issues here:

I'm getting a fatal error instead of the footer:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in /Users/mmott/Sites/bigtree/custom/inc/required/utils.php:133 Stack trace: #0 /Users/mmott/Sites/bigtree/custom/inc/required/utils.php(133): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('') #1 /Users/mmott/Sites/bigtree/templates/layouts/_footer.php(10): geocodeAddress('rong>none

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