#1 Re: General » Installing on Windows / WAMP » May 31, 2012 6:49pm

Thanks, will update if i encounter any issues.

#2 Re: General » Installing on Windows / WAMP » May 18, 2012 12:02pm


I have some issues installing on WAMP. At first i was getting the" Notice: Use of undefined constant E_NONE - assumed 'E_NONE' in C:\wamp\www\bigtree\install.php on line 4" error when trying to install. I solved that problem by using an updated install.php from GitHub.

After that the installation went smootly, but when clickong on either the frontend or backend link i get a bunch of PHP errors. They all have something in common, it seems that the path to bootstrap folder doesn't exist.
Here are two of the errors: Warning: include(C:\wamp\www\BigTree-CMS\core\bootstrap.phpcore/inc/bigtree/utils.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\BigTree-CMS\core\bootstrap.php on line 27

Notice: Undefined index: module_list in C:\wamp\www\BigTree-CMS\core\bootstrap.php on line 81

Please any help would be great, since i'm no PHP expert.

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