#1 Re: Developer Help » Translated content » December 16, 2012 3:23pm

I've also posted a few issues I've come across to GitHub. Is that the best place for those?

#2 Re: Developer Help » Translated content » December 16, 2012 3:21pm

Great. Where have you been publishing updates on the timeline and releases? I'd love to know how close the official 4.0 release is. I'm considering 4.0 for an upcoming project which would kick off some time in January.

#3 Re: Developer Help » Translated content » December 16, 2012 3:07pm

Thanks, Tim!

This is the most common implementation I've seen of translations, so I think it'd be a great addition to core.

In past CMS experience, the first part was accomplished by just copying the controller and setting the global var, but the second part - updating dynamic links - took customization of a 3rd party add-on we relied on for hierarchical nav. Of course hierarchical nav management and output is a great built-in feature of BigTree, so it'd be great to see that supported as well.

Do you have a repository of extensions or community modules started anywhere? Even if your extension class for the nav items was just posted somewhere, it'd be a great resource.

Thanks for the quick reply!

#4 Developer Help » Translated content » December 16, 2012 2:35pm

Replies: 6

In an email, Dylan had said, regarding translated content:

We've built a few sites where the client has required translated content. In all situations, we created separate content fields for each language. For example, page_header_english and page_header_spanish. A user's language preference was stored in a cookie and we'd draw the content as $bigtree["resources"]["page_header_".$user_language] or something similar. This method does require duplication of effort, as the translation is not automatic, but the language-specific content can be edited for tone / grammar very easily.

Two questions:

1) Were you able to use language-specific URLs that way? I.e.,




If so, did you do that via .htaccess?

2) Is it possible to clone the controller across those directories and set $user_language as a global variable in the controller? Then any request that comes in via:


Gets "es" set to $user_language and the same technique can be used for content fields.

Requests to index.php without /es/ set the variable to "en".



#5 Re: General » Previews not working » December 16, 2012 10:11am

Thanks, Tim. Here's some more info:

1. This one does not work:

2. This one does work:

3. This does not work:

I saved the page again, and the URL that appeared in #2 changed and now does not work:

4. This does not work:

At one point I also saw a warning under the WYSWIWYG field that a for loop was invalid.


#6 General » Previews not working » December 15, 2012 10:03am

Replies: 2

I installed the latest BigTree download this morning. Everything is working well. I:

* Installed with Advanced Routing
* Did not install the demo site

I've assigned the Home page to use the Content template and it's rendering fine.

However, in the browser that I'm logged into the Admin with, neither the Preview URL or nor Save & Preview button are working. Both bring me to the rendered page, but I do not see my unpublished edits. I do not see the Preview bar either.

Any pointers?


#8 Re: Developer Help » Installation Quirks » April 18, 2012 1:54pm

Hi there,

I just installed BigTree for the first time in my local, MAMP Pro environment.

When I hit install.php, I had a lot of PHP Notices (undefined variables) on the screen and in some of the form fields. While I was able to submit the screen and see that installation had succeeded, the /admin was just a dump of PHP errors and there were errors throughout the example site. Even turning off magic quotes did not resolve these, nor did some of the recommended Rewrite rules.

I turned off PHP Notices (Errors only) in MAMP Pro and did the installation again on a clean vhost/database. No issues this time.

I have screenshots if you'd like them. I'm not sure if this is something that's arisen before, but it was a frustrating and baffling first experience with BigTree, in an environment that I have control over and that, but for turning off magic quotes, otherwise met all requirements.


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