#1 Re: Bug Reports » User permissions /Daily digest issue » November 27, 2013 12:44pm

It also appears that the pages are duplicated in the digest (i.e. there is only one page from Martin Breth and one page from Mary-Michael Vance in our queue). Here is a screen shot of the digest: http://apps.cord.edu/assets/email/test- … 9%20AM.png and one of our actual queu (now that Chase's posts are approved): http://apps.cord.edu/assets/email/test- … 7%20AM.png

#2 Bug Reports » User permissions /Daily digest issue » November 27, 2013 12:40pm

Replies: 2

We have a directory set up for users to practice their BigTree skills in (/training). This directory is hidden from search and we set all users as publishers to this directory when they are added to the CMS.

Today a whole lot of people received a Daily Digest notification asking for them to approve content in /training (even though the content was submitted by another publisher). Until now, they have not received any Daily Digests. None of the users have Content Alerts set up for /training.

The only anomaly I can find is that the page in question was set to expire.

Any reason you can think of why there would be publisher-to-publisher notifications sent due to this? (We plan to unsubscribe most of these users from daily digest in the near future, but wanted to bring this to your attention considering most of them have been users since September and they received their first digest today).

Thanks in advance (Ben and Tim?).

#3 Feature Requests » Content Moderation Comments » August 26, 2013 4:50pm

Replies: 1

It would be really awesome if the pages/changes in the Pending Changes Queue had a place for comments from administrators. That way, if there is something you do not want published until it is improved, etc, another administrator doesn't hit "approve" while unaware of that issue.

Could also be neat if there was a way to send/receive comments from that page's editor until the page makes it to approval.

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