GatherContent Importer

Import content from a GatherContent project.

version 0.2

What's Included

An extension which allows you to import data from a GatherContent project into a new BigTree site.

Developer Notes

Developers can set up a connection to an existing GatherContent project, click the Import button and have the page hierarchy, titles and meta descriptions imported into a new BigTree site.

You must create a GatherContent project and generate a GatherContent API Key in order to use this extension.

More information can be found on the wiki.

Release Notes


The biggest improvement in this release is the ability to map GatherContent fields to BigTree Page fields. For example, if your Navigation Title content is inside a field named "Nav Title" on a tab named "Page Content" in GatherContent, you can set that configuration in this extension's Data Map field.

Available BigTree Page Fields to import are now:

  • Page Title
  • Navigation Title
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Keywords

In addition, you can select a BigTree Page Resource to map GatherContent data to. For example, you may have text in GatherContent that you want mapped to the Page Content field on a BigTree page.